March 11 Board Study Session Update

The March 11 Board study session agenda is now available on our Board meetings page. Policies that will be discussed include Administrative policies DE501 Curriculum Adoption and Review Committee and DP304 NEG Teacher Transfers. You can also use the following links to the printed and detailed agendas. Patrons may view the general session online at

Kelsey Peak Virtual Middle School Educator Given “Innovative Teacher Award”

Congratulations to Kelsey Peak Virtual Middle School teacher Krista Gibbons, who was presented with an Innovative Teacher Award by the Utah Coalition for Educational Technology. The Innovative Teacher Award is given to a teacher in each school district who employs new or novel teaching practices that contribute to student learning.

Krista engages her Social Studies students in tech-based projects that address real-world issues, encouraging critical thinking and innovation. She encourages colleagues to explore technology use in their classrooms and is the first to volunteer to test a new program or implement a new curriculum.

Thank you Krista for your contagious enthusiasm and congratulations on a well-deserved award!

Thank You to Our School Maintenance Employees!

Today is School Maintenance Employees’ Appreciation Day and Jordan School District has some of the best! We celebrate the hardworking individuals who keep the lights shining, water flowing, heat blowing, doors locking, vehicles rolling, and so much more. Our schools are clean and safe inside and out because of the work our maintenance workers do throughout the year. Thank you!

Athletes Learn to Be “Triple-Impact Competitors” at Positive Coaching Alliance Seminar

Team captains and representatives from Jordan School District’s spring sports teams met at JATC South to hear a seminar from Positive Coaching Alliance trainer Jessica Crate Oveson about being a Triple-Impact Competitor. Among the takeaways for the group were creating a growth mindset, establishing a mistake ritual, and continuing to respect the game.

The meeting was part of Jordan School District’s relationship with the Positive Coaching Alliance to help student athletes become more well-rounded competitors and leaders on and off the playing field.

Best of luck to the athletes in baseball, girls golf, lacrosse, boys soccer, softball, boys tennis, track & field, and boys volleyball in their upcoming season!

Compassionate Teacher Impacting Life of Student Battling Cancer

Superintendent with "Super Luca"Supercast Episode 287
It is a beautiful story of one teacher’s true love for her students …how her big heart is not only impacting lives, but changing them.

On this episode of the Supercast, we visit Megan Dotson’s third grade class at Antelope Canyon Elementary School. Find out what Ms. Dotson is doing to support one of her beloved students battling cancer. Hear how her caring heart is lifting not just Lucas, who has leukemia, but the entire class in the process.